33 Summer Crafts for Kids – Fun and Easy Kid craft ideas

Learn how to make this shaving cream marbled paper on aliceandlois.com

Have you been searching for craft ideas to keep kids busy this summer? Well, you have come to the right place! We have collected easy summer crafts for kids of all ages. Take a look at our 33 Summer Crafts for Kids – Fun and Easy Kid craft ideas!

There are so many ideas below that you will want to create a schedule of all of the ones you will want to do with your kids. We have also provided a list of art and craft supplies below.

We are sharing simple crafty projects to help keep kids busy this summer. From painting tote bags with handmade stamps to making homemade sidewalk chalk paint – we have you covered! We even have a recipe for homemade Kinetic Sand! Every toddler absolutely loves kinetic sand. And they will love making it too!

25 Best Craft Supplies | alice & lois

Craft Supplies to have on hand



Make this DIY Kinetic Sand Recipe




chalk paint

Create a Kids Craft Toolkit

We love to put together a kids craft toolkit for the summer. This way we have summer crafts for kids on the ready! This can have craft tools and supplies, but also just ordinary items from around the house. It is like a Kids Tinker Kit!

Ideas include cardboard scraps, tape, glue, stapler, markers, colored pencils, ribbon, wash tape, bubble wrap and blue painter’s tape. These are just a few ideas!

Make this summer tote with a DIY lemon stamp!

33 Favorite Summer Kids Crafts

Are you looking for some fun and easy craft ideas for kids this summer? Well, you have come to the right place. We are sharing some of our favorites. Like painted bird houses, to rainbow stamps and more!

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