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DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks

DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks

I have to admit, I love school supplies as much as my 4th grader. I think that I was just as excited to go school supply shopping as she was… and she was really excited! There is something so satisfying about adding some DIY flare to basic supplies. Whether they are supplies for school or home office. Today I am showing you how to take simple sketch notebooks and turn them into a new favorite journal or notepad. I used brightly colored and patterned scrap book paper to add the pop of color to the otherwise boring notebooks. I mean, isn’t this Cactus Decorative paper darling! You only need a few supplies for this DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks project.

These notebooks also make a perfect go-to gift. We love to add a pack of colored pencils to DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks for a kid’s birthday gift. And you can even add an initial to the top of the decorative paper for a sweet hostess gift for a friend or colleague.

Read more for the full tutorial and video for our DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks…



Decorative paper

Mod Podge or glue

Sponge brush


  1. Trace the front of notebook onto the back of paper and cut.
  2. Adhere the paper to notebook with mod podge or thin glue. Smooth the paper with the side of your hand to ensure no air bubbles. Let dry.
  3. Trim edges if needed.


DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks

DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks

DIY Decorative Paper Covered Notebooks

Photos and video by Sara Albers.

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