DIY Oversized Photo Wall Art
This is one of those fabulous projects that serves a dual purpose. It makes the perfect, visually impactful decoration for a birthday party, and then you can hang it up at home as modern photo wall art.
We had Calla’s sixth birthday party this past Friday and since it was raining and snowing we had to move the shindig indoors to the old school gym in Crested Butte. It’s the perfect space for 30+ kids to run around, play games, etc. Snacks, dinner and cake were in a side room with concrete walls so this oversized photo wall art was a great addition. And it’s cheap to get an engineer print made at your local copy shop.
Read more to find out how I made this.
How to make DIY Oversized Photo Wall Art
Supplies: photos, photo editing software like Photoshop or PicMonkey
In photoshop or a free program such as PicMonkey, lay out the four photos in a grid.
Send file to copy shop and ask to print an engineer print. I printed it as a 24×36. Hang!
I loved doing the four photos of Calla’s different expressions. It shows every side of this fun-loving little gal.
Here’s a tip to get these expressions:
I had her lay down on a plain colored solid blanket on the floor. And then we started telling each other funny jokes and silly stories. This really helped get her giggling, etc!
photos by Melissa Fenlon. all rights reserved.