DIY Rainbow Applique Shirt
As St Patrick’s Day approaches, I wanted to make something for my girl to celebrate the day. But, I wanted to create something that she could wear all year long. I went through my ever-growing scrap fabric bin to pick out rainbow colors and had the perfect pieces to make a sweet rainbow applique t-shirt. I picked up a solid long sleeve white T and was ready! What little girl is not obsessed with rainbows, right?!
Read more for the full tutorial.
Supplies: Scrap fabric, plain white t-shirt, double stick fusible webbing
, scissors and sewing machine (optional)
Step 1: Draw a rainbow design to fit the front of the t-shirt.
Step 2: Cut the outside lines of design and cut a piece of fusible webbing to match.
Step 3: Cutting only paper, cut each rainbow section.
Step 4: Match up appropriate colors to each rainbow section. Using scissors or a rotary cutter, cut fabric to match each section.
Step 5: After you have all of the fabric cut, lay out on top (remove top layer of paper) of fusible webbing. Iron the fabric to the webbing (follow directions on packaging).
Step 6. Iron the rainbow onto the shirt. Sew around each section of rainbow fabric pieces. If you do not have a sewing machine, you can leave the applique as is for a frayed edge.
Enjoy this St. Patrick’s DIY project!
– Sara
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All photos by Sara Albers for alice & lois design studios. All rights reserved.
This is amazing. I recognize Harper. She is so pretty!!!
Thanks Molly!!!
This is a truly wonderful idea!! And a great way how to transform a simple white t-shirt, thanks for the idea! 🙂
Thanks Ivana!
My beautiful granddaughter Piper 21mths loves Rainbows I’ll have a go at this one for her. Thank you so much.
Sue – She will love the shirt! My daughter is obsessed with rainbow as well!
Appliqued shirts were my entry into the whole “Crafting World”. Your rainbow shirt is so pretty. I want to make one for my daughter for St. Patrick’s Day!
I included it in a post I did with my favorite rainbow crafts, DIY projects and recipes! I’d love for you to take a peek and share if you think you’re audience would be interested in it.
Best Wishes,
This is exactly what I was looking for – thanks so much!
My name is Alison Lois – seeing your site name made me chuckle!
A ?
Ps do you it would work with felt, or would that not wash well?
Love your name!
I would not recommend using felt as it would not wash too well.