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DIY Tile Patterned Stair Risers with Removable Wallpaper

DIY Tile Patterned Stair Risers with removable wallpaper for $30 #DIY

Looking for a way to add pops of color or pattern to a nondescript space in your home? Well, for $30 you can add DIY Tile Patterned Stair Risers with removable wallpaper! Now, you can buy pre made peel and stick stair risers like these for $120 for 10 stair risers. What?! I knew there was a cheaper way to do this! You can find my full tutorial over at Hunker Home. I detail how to measure, cut, peel and stick the patterned removable wallpaper. I used this tile patterned wallpaper for my stair risers and I have so much left over I could do more stairs, back splash – you name it! 

DIY Tile Patterned removable wallpaper stair risers

What is removable wallpaper? 

Removable or peel and stick wallpaper is a brilliant way to add pops of color, texture or pattern to any space. You can buy the wallpaper in a roll. It is so easy to measure and cut. I love the ability to apply to a space and move around to get it just right. I used a tile patterned wall paper but you can use any pattern really. I keep teasing my family saying that this blue and white tile is our summer pattern and in the winter I am going to change it up. I am already searching for the perfect black and white or grey and white pattern! Although this gold and white pattern is really nice too.

Add DIY Stair Risers using removable wallpaper for $30! #DIY #stairrisers #removablewallpaper

Photos by Sara Albers. 

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