Favorite Easter Craft Projects
Easter is right around the corner! Be ready with some of our Favorite Easter Craft Projects.
Springtime is the perfect time to get crafty. Some of our very favorite craft projects are decorating and designing Easter eggs. Whether we are using paint, washi tape or paper napkins and mod podge – there is always a fun and unique way to turn an egg into a masterpiece.
We also love to make DIY Easter baskets. This is a great way to make something for your kids that you can use year after year.
Take a look at some of our Favorite Easter Craft Projects below and let us know what your favorites are!
Favorite Easter Craft Projects Crafting Supplies
a few of our favorite supplies:
Favorite Easter Craft Projects
Easter is the perfect time to get crafty - from Easter eggs to Easter baskets! Check out some of our favorites.
If you haven't tried this marbled technique for Easter eggs, this is a must! Read more to see how we made these amazing DIY Marbled Indigo Eggs!
We love using natural elements for dyeing projects - check out what we used for this one!
This is a fun easter craft project for the kids... sticky jewels make some beauitful eggs!
Thin washi tape is a great material to add pattern to Easter eggs!
How cute are these DIY Modern Initial Easter Eggs?! We love how they turned out.
Add a sweet springtime animal to the top of a box and add some paint to gift some Easter treats!
How cute are these?! We designed a free printable label for you to use on treat bags this Easter.
Did you know that you could use Mod Podge and tissue paper to decorate eggs?! Such a cool look!
I mean, how cute are these carrots!? These made a fun DIY project for the kids.
Add some spring time decor in your home with this DIY Easter Bunny Banner project.
Paper napkins plus mod podge equals a really cool Easter egg! Check them out!
Add some fun paper elements to your Easter table with our printable easter decor.
More marbled goodness on these eggs!
Aren't these the happiest eggs ever?! See how to make these confetti easter eggs!
We love how this simple rope basket turned out. See how we made this DIY No-Sew Rope Easter Basket below.
If you haven't tried making a paper easter basket, you have got to try it!
This is a fun activity for the Easter egg hunt!
Simple mudcloth patterns make such unique eggs!
These DIY Clay Bunny Bowls are darling - learn how to make these using air dry clay.
See some of our favorite ways to make beauitful Easter eggs using Mod Podge and other materials!
Such a fun way to dress up a cupcake!
If you like to sew, this is a wonderful springtime project.
This has been a family tradtion for years - the easter bunny cake!
Another fun sewing project for spring! See how to make this DIY Stuffed Bunny.