
P B & J Three Ways

This post has been sponsored by The J.M. Smucker Company, Pepperidge Farm® , and the Ziploc® brand. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

PB&J Three Ways

With Back to School in full swing, we’re getting ourselves ready for what can be the mad dash come morning time. But one big way to ease the mad dash is to be prepared when it comes to making the kids’ lunches. We teamed up with Jif ® , Smuckers ® , Pepperidge Farm and Ziploc brand to create some fun ways to add a fresh spin on the ol’ classic PB & J! See how we make PB & Js three ways!

We love to make our girls kid-friendly sandwiches on the Pepperidge Farm® Sliders. The buns are the perfect size for little hands. We’re sharing our three favorite PB & J sliders that make perfect school sandwiches. The first is a classic PB & J. You cant can’t go wrong with Jif ® Creamy Peanut Butter, and Smucker’s ® Seedless Strawberry Jam. The second slider is with peanut butter, jelly and “banana coins”. After putting the peanut butter and jelly on the sandwich, slice up a fresh banana in thin coins and place a layer on top of the peanut butter. The third twist on PB & J is by adding fresh berries. We love both raspberries and strawberries on a PB & J. If you want to use strawberries, just cut them into thin slices and place on top of the peanut butter. With raspberries, you can just put the whole berries in a layer on the sandwich. The fresh fruit adds an element of fun to the sandwich. These little slider buns make whipping up sandwiches a breeze! The kids love PB&J and adding some fun ingredients to the basic sandwich is a nice surprise.

PB&J Three Ways

We also love to add a little note in the kid’s lunches. A good way to keep it easy is with sticky notes. Add a little touch of colorful washi tape to the note and add a sweet message – like “You are my sunshine” or “Have a happy day!” Using the sticky notes is a quick and simple way to share a little love to your kiddos while they are at school. And speaking of washi tape, we love using this colorful removable tape and a permanent marker to label the Ziploc brand containers with the kid’s names. This makes packing multiple lunches more organized in the mornings.

PB&J Three Ways

PB&J Three Ways

PB&J Three Ways

We love using all the Ziploc brand containers because they come in so many sizes, they make it so easy to prepack the fruits and veggies we like to put in the kids’ lunches. Celery, carrots, sugar snap peaks peas and red peppers are our go-to veggies. And our fruit favorites include cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and watermelon.

When you are running to Meijer to get all your back to school supplies, head to the grocery section to grab the Ziploc brand containers. We stock up on all the lunch supplies there as well – Jif ® (add in trademark) peanut butter, Smucker’s ® (add in trademark) jam and the little Pepperidge Farm sliders.

Head to your local Meijer for the following promos:
Jif ® – $0.35 off any Jif ® Peanut Butter 16oz or larger Smucker’s ® – $.65 off any Smucker’s ® Fruit Spread 12oz or larger Ziploc brand – Buy any two Ziploc® brand products, save $2.00

Photos by Sara Albers and Melissa Fenlon. All rights reserved.

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