Thanksgiving Gratitude Free Printable Activities
Thanksgiving is only a few days away! Unbelievable. We have gathered up some wonderful Thanksgiving Gratitude Free Printable Activities that are so simple to print and utilize on Thanksgiving day with family and friends. You can use some as decor and some are activity based during the festivities. Take a look at the gratitude free printables…
Family Thankful Jar – this is a wonderful activity for your immediate family to use during the entire holiday season. It is also perfect to have sitting out during Thanksgiving Day for all of your friends and family to fill out.
Grateful Free Printable Cards – These grateful free printable cards could make pretty place setting cards as well as an art activity for the kids’ table.
Grateful Flags – This Thanksgiving free printable makes a darling decoration and activity all in one! Simply print the flags, add what you are grateful for and hang.
DIY Grateful Watercolor Poster – You can whip this up in no time… paint some watercolor shapes on a large piece of watercolor paper and display with pens and a sign.
Printable Thanksgiving Placemat – This printable placemat from Ella Claire is a quick and easy way to set the table. Leave a pencil at each place setting for your guests to note things that they are thankful for.
Thanksgiving Questions Game Free Printable – What’s your favorite kind of pie? Describe Thanksgiving in one word. We love this printable Thanksgiving card game. Fun to play at the Thanksgiving table or after dinner!
Thanksgiving Gratitude List from A Bubbly Life – Laurel designed a beautiful free printable for Thanksgiving. We adore the blush color and your guests would love too!
Thanksgiving Printable Worksheet from Almost Makes Perfect – Molly designed a “worksheet” type printable for your Thanksgiving guests. We love the modern design… perfect for any table setting.