A Little Bit of Everything

Little girl at flower nurseryHappy weekend! It’s been a cold week with both rain and snow in Crested Butte, so Poppy and I went to the local nursery to pretend it was warm enough to plant! Calla’s turning 6 on Tuesday, which I can’t believe at all. How did the last six years fly by so fast? We had her birthday party yesterday at the old school gym. Twenty-plus kids ran around and played for two hours straight! I’ll share my favorite decoration I made for the party later this week.

Now, who has mixed emotions like me for the Mad Men finale?

Hope you all have a great weekend! Enjoy these links.

First Aid Kit performing “America.” Gorgeous.

To my 20-year-old self.

Yes, a Wes Anderson café.

Are you guilty of eating your kids’ table scraps?

Loving these clogs.

A reading music lesson.

How beautiful are these cupcakes?

Love these cardboard wings.

Perfect summer party favor bags.

Been obsessed with this smoothie this week.

Pin of the week.

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