
DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

If you are anything like me, I live (I really mean it) in zip-up hooded sweatshirts. I have a few favorites but needed to add a new one into the rotation. I had picked up this weathered blue zipped hoodie at H&M recently and wanted to add a little something special to add a personal touch. I had thought of adding an iron-on patch but was drawn to doing something with the hoodie cords. I knew adding some color was the key, so a DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt was it!

Now, you might remember how much I love using embroidery floss in unexpected ways – keychains, wooden spoons and rope necklace are some of my favorites! This project is perfect to re-purpose any old sweatshirt. You can choose any color combo to add to the cords.

Read more for the full tutorial for the DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt…

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt


Hooded Sweatshirt with cording (this is mine)

Embroidery floss

Glue (E6000)


DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt


  1. Place a very small dab of glue at the end of the cord (above the knot). Place the end of embroidery floss on the glue. Let dry for 10+ minutes. Start wrapping the embroidery floss around the cord.
  2. To start a new color, put a small dab of glue to the end of the first color and start the next color. Again, let dry for a bit.
  3. Continue adding new colors. I chose three colors, but you can do however many you want! Make your own design. You can even wrap two colors at a time. When done, add glue to end. You can even use a needle to push the last floss into the previous wrapped floss. Let dry overnight. I would recommend delicate cold wash, hand dry.

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

DIY Wrapped Cord Sweatshirt

Photos by Sara Albers. all rights reserved.

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One Comment

  1. NameHaeley @ Design Improvised says:

    This is such a clever way to update a sweatshirt. I love it!!

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