DIY Paint Chip City Kids Craft
We’ve been doing lots of fun art projects with the girls this summer. It’s so important to keep their minds engaged and getting the creative juices flowing. It’s also nice to have some quiet time indoors and create! We are doing a series this summer of Summer Crafts for Kids. Here’s our list of 10 ways to keep kids creative and our DIY watermelon wrapping paper. And here’s one of my new favorite ways to let their imagination run wild. Collect some paint chips from your favorite paint store. We gathered up a bunch of them when my friend who owns the paint store was changing out one of her displays.
It’s amazing too see what your little ones will create with these. We cut out simple shapes – squares, triangles, half circles and rectangles and created our very own cities.
Read more for the DIY Paint Chip City Kids Craft tutorial…
Supplies: paint chip samples, glue stick, scissors, paper
1. Cut out shapes from your paint chip samples in a rainbow of colors.
2. Let your little one glue the shapes onto paper to create their very own city.
photos by Melissa Fenlon. all rights reserved.